Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Vlogging - Narcissism or Gratitude?

I recently discovered the phenomena of vlogging.

Video logs people make of their everyday lives.

As a recovering gorilla filmmaker (is that a thing?). Vlogging instantly stole my mind, and after discovering the right vlogger, my heart.

OK, that sounds cheesy. But really, I get passionately hooked on ideas more than kids get hooked on phonix.

I think my biggest reservation against vlogging has been: is it just utter vanity? Who thinks they're worthy of randomly filming and sharing the reality of their everyday lives?

Then, I had another thought. If one films a few minutes of each day, over a 16 hour day, should there not be some highlights? Something worth sharing? Capturing ? Remembering? Teaching?

Now the questions has become, is it vain to vlog? Or is it foolish not to?