Monday, December 26, 2016

What We Once May Have Disregarded, May Be Our Joy In The End

Christmas Day.

Family. Too much good food. Simple pleasures. Timeless simple pleasures. I am thankful for family.

I'm thankful that no matter how alone I've felt at times in my life, my fam's always been there. Even when I wasn't.

At some points I may have thought my family was dull and small minded.
What we once may have disregarded, may be our joy in the end.



Sunday, December 11, 2016

TV Vs. Humanity

If TV is the easiest thing in the world to sit and watch, then writing about our most painful memories must be the hardest.

I figure because one distracts you from reality, and the other painfully reminds you of your humanity.

Watching TV isn't bad, but if we never revisit the hard truths of our past, we can become so detached from our humanity that we truly do turn into a couch potato. A bland, dry, lifeless side dish.

Life's pretty simple- eat or be eaten. You can either be useless or miserable. It's easy to pretend your happy either way (for some), but at the end of the day, when we stop pretending, and get real, who are you?