Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Thank You, Milltown

God has done much molding to my spiritual lens through Milltown over these past 4 years.  I am the person I am today, and living the life I'm living today, largely because of Milltown's influence on my life.  The way I view community, proximity, evangelism, vocation, Church, myself, going to the grocery store, and countless other things have all been radically shaped through my interactions with this small community.

I will never forget the first time I walked into a service, at that time, at the "guys house".  It was like walking through a portal from being lost and alone in my spiritual walk, to suddenly being found, feeling understood, and feeling like I belonged somewhere.

The friendly peer like appearing people who greeted me out front on the sidewalk.  Walking into the living room to be introduced to others, and instantly being guilt tripped for not remembering that guy from High Schools name who I hadn't seen in years (Which was Nate, which now that he still gives me an equally hard time about everything 4 years later, I don't feel as bad).

I'll never forget the genuine earnestness of the cement basement sanctuary; adorned with couches, love and hope only found in youthful hearts, and a passionate preacher with a good beard who was not only the first pastor I had ever met that didn't seem more like a judgmental father, but a peer I could trust, as well as the first pastor to ever invite me out for a beer after service.

Then there was that nice girl who drew me a map to her apartment for Bible study... I think her name was... "Esther?" (yeah that's my wife now).

I had known for a while "WHY" I wanted to follow Christ, but Milltown was my answer to prayer, as to "HOW" I could follow Christ.  Though this season is ending, I know it was what I needed, that it was God ordained, and that its affects will always be a part of me.

After all the changes Milltown has gone through, the places, the people, the seasons within it all; the glories and the heart aches.  I'll never remember Milltown as a specific place or as a specific person, but as a group of people seeking a specific God.

It's not the structure of a traditional church that conjurs in my mind when I think of Milltown, but its the heart of faithfully following what is true.  Its the mindset of an earnest genuine concrete sanctuary: in a basement, or a sidewalk, or a grocery store.  It's the love and hope of a youthful heart that knows truth.  It's a passionate preacher (beard optional) who stands on podiums, serves coffee, collects garbage, rings up your groceries, or makes you a drink.

Milltown has taught me a lot, but the most important thing?  Church is not walls, church is not God, God is not worshipped 1 day per week from 9-10:30AM.  God is alive, everywhere in everyone in everything, and the moments I see that, and live that, the heart of Milltown continues, whether it still exists as a structured body, or not.

Milltown, you more than any other community I have ever encountered, have taught me earnestly about the heart of the living God, and for that, I am forever changed, and forever thankful.

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