Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Breaking Bartering, The Empowerment of Independent Wealth

I just watched this marriage seminar with some friends, the guy talked about how husbands and wives should barter- just like how we barter for our jobs.  He said couples should barter for sex or favors.  I don't know about all that, but the thing that stuck out to me was what he said about work.  He said we only go to work because they pay us.  So if they didn't pay us, we wouldn't show up.

That makes a lot of sense, and it helped me put my greatest career goal into words- To truly show up- even if I wasn't getting paid.  

That is how I want to live my life, and I intend to as soon as possible.  To really do this, though, I do need to be in a place in my life where I can truly not worry about money.  Being the practical nerd I am, I need to do this in a healthy way, I can't just live on a credit card for 12 months and call that being able to "not care about money."

I need to become independently wealthy.  Only then can I really know what my life work is.  Only then will I have the peace of mind, the time, and resources to TRULY begin to dream, and just see what I would do with myself.  Where would God lead me?  What would it look like to be faithful in that situation?

What if, say I achieve this independent wealth at age 35?  Age 35 and independently wealthy, what could God do with such a person?  30 good prime working years to commit to something.  What would he commit to?

So that's my goal.  I'm currently 29... looking down the barrel of 30 in less than 91 days.  Esther and I almost have our home mortgage paid off... I'd like to pay it off before I'm 30, but worst case scenario it will be paid off by the end of this year.  That will put us in a phenomenal position to start saving heavily for investments that will create passive income.

My plan is to start purchasing 4 plexes... 4 4-plexes before I am 40 is my big goal.  To have 2 by age 35 would be huge, because without a mortgage payment or any debt we would be able to live off of that cash flow pretty easily.  I don't want to scrape by though, I want to be pretty comfortable and have a big goal, so 4 by 40 is my big 10 year goal.

We'll see how it goes... stay tuned.  Stay dreaming.

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