Friday, May 17, 2013

Turtle Power.

To win, as you know-
lies in the power to be steady and slow.
And the power to win, often lies in,
not where you go, but the places you don't.

You win the race by stopping; by not racing.
Racing is for the birds.
We are turtles, we have shells,
and we are slow, yet we know the way to go.

It may take us a while,
well that's alright;
an elephant may never forget,
but a turtles always right.

Don't look to us for answers,
without patience in your eyes,
cause we only ever find them,
when your ready to least realize.

We don't shoot the breeze
or dodge falling trees,
and we couldn't kill a bee,
but as soon as you stop watching me-

finally you will see.

A turtles always right,
there's a power in their wrong,
it may seem a while long,
yet their shell stays still strong.