Wednesday, December 4, 2013

2013 Review

With less than 30 days until the new year, I thought I would take some time to reflect on 2013.

The biggest highlight was most definitely marrying the woman of my dreams.  We survived pre-marital counseling and 6 months of wedding planning, and everything came together flawlessly, with our pastor marrying us, preachers wife playing our wedding, and getting to escape all of the fun with our friends and family in a 1976 Cadillac El Dorado convertible.  We enjoyed the best honeymoon imaginable with 10 days in Maui; snorkeled with gargantuan sea turtles, took the most beautiful and crazy drive of my life all the way around Hana (and some rad old man on the side of the road selling hats made from coconuts gave us free passion fruit and pointed us to a fellow vendor with $.25 bananas to dip into it and it was SO GOOD!),went zip lining and watched the sunrise from 10,000 feet.

I joined a new Real Estate brokerage at the beginning of the year and have not regretted it for one day.  I survived my first full year of being in Real Estate 100% for myself.  Produced 5 newsletters from scratch, developed a personal brand and website, made a database of over 150 people, I went door knocking (including trying to market myself to renters and accidentally went to condos to door knock- maybe my most embarrassing moment of the year), developed direct mail campaigns, made cold calls, did multiple open houses, & ended up selling 9 houses worth over 2 million dollars in volume.

Saw every single play done at taproot theater, (6 in all) all were great, Illyria was definitely my favorite!  Produced multiple Real Estate videos, saw author Timothy Eagan speak about his fascinating book about photographer Edward Curtis, I played real golf for the first time ever for Dallas's birthday and I only lost 2 balls.

After multiple attempts went to Jetty island w/ Esther, hung out with the Clark family for the first time in years, watched Preacher's Wife at the Everett Beer Festival, Played flag football with friends & moon walked a touchdown and was sore for 8 days, Bought a guitar buddy, drove up Chuckanut for the first time, threw a synchronicity party on 11-12-13, mourned with the Herold's over losing David. Had countless breakfast's with Josh and David Zahina, listened to countless Dave Ramsey, Dan Miller & smart passive income podcasts, read/ listened to let your life speak, Steve Jobs biography, permission marketing, tribes, compelling people, entre-leadership, contagious, and the E-myth.  I did circuit training over 20 times, watched probably over 50 movies and was surprised at how much I enjoyed Django unchained, paid my car off and got out of debt other than the house.  Wrote over 80 entries on my blog, became an elder, I didn't do most of the goals I set out for at the beginning of the year.  I did help one stranger and I also unexpectedly cooked the best meal of my life, though... Chicken Pesto, mmmmm.  4 more weeks to make miracles happen.