Monday, December 16, 2013

Googled Blog

I googled the word "blog" today.  I thought it might give me guidance on what in the who-ha I'm doing here.  Nope.  Didn't help.

Saying I "googled blog" does make me imagine how that would have sounded 20, even 10 years ago, though.  How our language is evolving.  Who knows what commonplace words will enter our world in another 10 years.

It makes me think of words that have gone out of style.  My name, "Garret" is actually a noun.  It's a certain type of attic, I guess.  I wonder if garret's were ever trendy, like google and blogs?

School kids gossiped at recess about the fort they built in the garret last night.  "oh my gosh, your garret is so much cooler than my houses garret", they would say.

hmm, not sure where I'm going with this one.  No where fast, apparently.  At least I googled blog.  At least I'm trying.